Root Canal Therapy – DuPont, WA

Save Your
Natural Teeth!

Man in need of root canal therapy holding cheek in pain

There are two kinds of toothaches: the bearable and the unbearable. If you are feeling more pressure than pain, then there is a good chance that you have something trapped between two teeth and that you should try brushing and flossing to remove the particle of food.

However, if tooth pain is bad enough to keep you up at night or interfere with your normal daytime routine, then the situation is more serious. Contact DuPont Family Dentistry to schedule an emergency visit. The dentist will examine your tooth and take X-rays to see if there is infection. If so, then root canal therapy in DuPont, WA will probably be necessary in order to remove the infection and allow you to keep the tooth.

Why Choose DuPont Family Dentistry for Root Canal Therapy?

  • Beautiful, Long-Lasting Dental Crowns
  • Dental Team That Treats You Like Family
  • Early Appointments Available

What is a Root Canal?

Model of the inside of a tooth and root canals

First of all, the rumors you have heard about root canals are exaggerated at best or false at worst. Thanks to modern dental anesthesia, root canal therapy is far less painful than patients assume. In fact, the procedure is meant to eliminate the pain of an infected tooth and help you avoid tooth extraction.

Root canal therapy in DuPont is performed to remove bacteria and infection from deep within a tooth. After anesthetizing the tooth and surrounding tissue, the dentist makes a small access hole through which the infection and debris are removed. The tooth is then disinfected and filled with gutta-percha, a biocompatible material that supports the remaining tooth structure. Finally, the tooth is sealed and prepared for the porcelain crown that will eventually be placed for strength and protection.

What Causes an
Infected Tooth?

Man with infected tooth in pain before root canal therapy

The short answer to that question is bacteria. But how do bacteria get inside a tooth? For that answer, we need to examine the construction of each tooth.

Teeth are built like walled fortresses. The outer wall is made of enamel. This material is not only extremely hard, but also gives teeth their natural sheen.

Underneath the enamel is dentin, a slightly softer substance that is filled with millions of tubules that conduct sensation to the tooth’s nerve. That nerve is housed in the pulp chamber, which branches off to the roots through root canals. Blood, nerve, and lymph tissue run through the canals delivering nutrients to the tooth and carrying away toxins.

If the so-called walls of the fortress are damaged by severe decay, a fracture or penetrating crack then bacteria have a way into the tooth where infection can develop inside the pulp. When this happens, the body’s immune system responds, and inflammation sets in. This inflammation usually causes severe pain. Other indicators of the need for root canal in DuPont include:

  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • A small sore on your gums near the tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • A swollen cheek
  • Fever

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms, then tooth infection is likely. The dentists at DuPont Family Dentistry will be able to accurately diagnose and treat the tooth with root canal therapy if necessary.

Understanding the Cost of Root Canals

Man learning cost of root canal in DuPont

When learning you need a root canal, you may begin to wonder about more than just the procedure itself. One of the biggest components to understanding the process for this type of treatment is the cost of root canals in DuPont and how you can afford it. An important thing to remember is that various factors determine the overall cost, and your dental insurance plan will likely cover at least a portion of the total. Our team will be happy to discuss alternative payment options as well, should you need additional financial assistance.

Factors That Can Affect Root Canal Cost

Dental dam covering tooth in DuPont

The only way to determine how much you can expect to pay for your root canal is to schedule an appointment with your emergency dentist in DuPont. During this visit, we will examine your mouth and determine the severity of the problem located within a particular tooth. We will likely take digital images of the area to allow us to view the inner structure and base your treatment costs on these three factors:

  • Where is the tooth located inside the mouth and what type of tooth is it?
  • How difficult with the procedure be?
  • Do you require a dental crown to be placed over the tooth after the root canal is complete?

Is It Cheaper to Pull My Tooth?

Extracted tooth in DuPont

Would it not be easier to just extract the tooth? This is a question many patients ask, but it is important to remember that with tooth removal also comes tooth replacement, which can be costly in the long term. As dentists, we want to help you keep your natural teeth as long as possible, and if a root canal allows us to achieve that goal without affecting your oral or overall health, that is what we will recommend.

Extracting a tooth not only requires an invasive procedure, but it also requires that we discuss ways to replace the tooth, as other problems can develop if it is left untreated.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Root Canals?

Dental receptionist looking at dental insurance in DuPont

Root canals are generally considered an acceptable service for coverage by most dental insurance companies. When reviewing your policy, there is a good chance that it will fall under the category of major restorative care, which is typically 50% coverage. This may not be the same for all policies, so make sure to review your plan or have a member of our team review it before agreeing to move forward with treatment.

Other Options for Making Root Canal Therapy Affordable

Patient configuring root canal cost in DuPont

If you are uninsured or require additional financial help to pay for any remaining balance, DuPont Family Dentistry is pleased to partner with the third-party financing company CareCredit. Offering patients the ability to enroll in easy-to-manage payment plans, individuals can better stick to their budgets and pay off their care over time instead of worrying about how to pay for it all upfront.

Root Canal FAQs

Inside of a tooth for root canal in DuPont

When learning you need a root canal in DuPont, you may wonder what is involved and what to expect after your procedure is complete. It is natural to have questions, which is why our team at DuPont Family Dentistry is here to offer answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Our patients have turned to us for transparency and honesty, and we strive to offer only the clearest, most concise information to help individuals like yourself feel more confident and comfortable when pursuing treatment. Review the information below and feel free to contact our office should you have any additional questions.

How much pain is normal after a root canal?

You can expect to experience some soreness and discomfort after your procedure is complete. For a few days, you may not feel like yourself and notice some sensitivity, but if you take an over-the-counter pain reliever, you should begin to feel some relief.

It is best if you avoid chewing hard foods during these first few days, as this will only cause more pressure and ultimately, more discomfort. After about three days, you should notice the pain dissipating, allowing you to resume some level of normal activity. If it does not, make sure to call our office right away.

How long do root canals last?

Because of the high success rate of root canals, the results of these procedures can last several years or even a lifetime. How long your results last ultimately depends on various factors, including how damaged the tooth was before undergoing treatment, and how much time elapsed between receiving your temporary and permanent dental crown. If it takes too long to receive your finalized restoration, there is a chance reinfection can occur.

You will want to make sure you follow all of the dentist’s instructions regarding post-operative care to ensure that your root canal results last as long as possible.

Can I take antibiotics instead of getting a root canal?

Antibiotics can help treat bacterial infections throughout the body; however, they do not work on tooth infections. As a result, you cannot simply take antibiotics instead of undergoing a root canal. Antibiotics travel through the bloodstream and target specific areas of the body, but it is impossible for the bloodstream to reach the interior of a tooth, which is where the pulp exists. The only option is to receive root canal therapy should the pulp of your tooth be infected.

Are root canals safe?

Although many rumors try to claim that root canals are unsafe and can increase your risk for serious health problems, the reality is that the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) has debunked this claim. Root canals have a high success rate of 95%, and individuals who undergo this type of procedure can expect results to last for the remainder of their lives.

It is important, however, to remember that root canals are just like any other oral surgery, and as a result, do pose a small risk of bacteria remaining within the tooth. This can cause reinfection. The odds are minimal, but should it happen, it is important to let the dentist in DuPont know if you experience swelling, pain, or fever after your procedure.