Tooth Extractions – DuPont, WA

Tooth Extractions Always Performed Comfortably

Man in need of tooth extraction covering his mouth

Research conducted at The Mayo Clinic shows that tooth extractions have a very low risk of complications. So why does the thought of having a tooth removed cause most people to become anxious? First of all, teeth are meant to last a lifetime so extracting a tooth is contrary to expectations. Despite the fact that dental anesthesia is extremely effective, most people also assume there will be some discomfort. Fortunately, if you need tooth extractions in DuPont, WA, the dentists at DuPont Family Dentistry can perform the procedure comfortably and with little to no pain.

Why Choose DuPont Family Dentistry for Tooth Extractions?

  • Straightforward, Stress-Free Extractions
  • Team That Treats You Like Family
  • Early Appointments Available

Why Do I Need to Have a Tooth Extracted?

X-ray of damaged tooth before tooth extraction

There are many different reasons for tooth extraction. One of the most common is tooth decay that has gone beyond the point of repair with a filling, inlay, onlay or dental crown. In this case, extraction must be performed to stop the spread of decay to nearby teeth and to eliminate any discomfort or pain.

One or more teeth may also need to be extracted in order to give crowded teeth more room. This can also improve oral health and the appearance of your smile.

Preparation for orthodontic treatment is another common reason for tooth extraction. In order for teeth to be able to align correctly they need sufficient space. Therefore, one or more teeth sometimes need to be removed to eventually lead to a straighter smile.

Right around the time when orthodontic treatment typically comes off, wisdom teeth may need to be removed from the mouth as well. Also called third molars, these teeth tend to be larger than average. There may simply not be enough room left in the jaw to accommodate them. Additionally, if wisdom teeth are impacted (meaning they are trapped beneath your gums) then they can press on adjacent teeth, causing pain and even misalignment over time.

Finally, gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss in the United States. Advanced periodontitis can result in severe gum and tissue loss. As a result, teeth may become loosened to the point that extraction is necessary.

How are Teeth Extracted?

Metal clasp holding an extracted tooth

Although each situation is unique, extractions are typically uneventful, and the procedure lasts for only a few minutes. The bone, gum and tooth will be anesthetized using a numbing agent for patients who will remain awake during the process. Your dentist in DuPont also offers oral conscious sedation to relieve anxiety. With this, you will take a small dose of sedative before your appointment so you can relax while the dentist removes your tooth.

After the extraction, you will be given very detailed instructions for caring for the extraction site for the next few days. In most cases, if this area is kept clean and you follow our recovery instructions, your gums should be healed up without any trouble in just a matter of weeks.

Understanding the Cost of Tooth Extractions

Patient learning cost of tooth extraction in DuPont

The cost of tooth extractions in DuPont often causes many patients to rethink their decision to go forward with the procedure. However, attempting to put it off will only worsen symptoms and potentially cause additional harm. Our team at DuPont Family Dentistry is here to help you navigate the financial side of dentistry by going over your dental insurance benefits and discussing available financing to make improving your oral health a more accessible and affordable decision.

Factors That Can Affect Tooth Extraction Cost

			Vacated socket after tooth extraction in DuPont

There are many unique factors that our team will evaluate when determining the cost of your tooth extraction, such as:

  • The location of the tooth
  • The type of tooth that needs to be removed
  • The type of procedure needed (simple or surgical)
  • The number of teeth that must be removed
  • Additional procedures required
  • The type of prosthetic needed

Once these variables are determined, we can formulate a cost estimate for you to review. We will also go over the various ways you can pursue tooth replacement. Unless it is a wisdom tooth that needs to be removed, all other teeth must be replaced to avoid jawbone deterioration and additional tooth loss over time.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Tooth Extractions?

			Patient talking to dental receptionist in DuPont

There is a good chance that your dental insurance company will agree to cover the cost of your tooth extraction by up to 50%. Depending on how they qualify for this type of service (minor or major), they will look to see if you have met your deductible and how much of your remaining annual maximum is available. This will determine how much they will agree to pay.

Other Options for Making Tooth Extractions Affordable

			Woman smiling in DuPont

If you still need financial assistance to help with any remaining costs associated with your tooth extraction, you can count on your emergency dentist in DuPont to go over the details of our partnership with CareCredit. As a third-party financing company that offers low- and no-interest payment plans to eligible enrollees, this is a great solution if you need to break up the cost of your care into manageable payments. And one of the best parts is that there are no surprise fees!

Tooth Extraction FAQs

Tooth extractions in DuPont

Tooth extractions in DuPont may sound like the most exciting treatment you can endure; however, it is often necessary and beneficial to your oral and overall health. Severely damaged or decayed teeth that cannot be treated with root canal therapy or other means often require removal. Fortunately, the team at Dupont Family Dentistry is here to ensure the process is comfortable, safe, and highly effective. We do understand, however, that you likely have many questions, which is why we have compiled the answers to some of the most common questions about tooth extractions. Review the information below and contact us if you have any additional concerns.

Is there an alternative to a tooth extraction?

It is always the goal of our dentists to help you keep your natural teeth as long as possible. While dental implants and other forms of tooth replacement are lifelike and built to last, they do not offer the same quality and reliability as natural teeth. However, when it is necessary to remove a tooth, it is likely because our team cannot successfully “save” it using other methods of treatment.

To determine if there is an alternative to tooth extraction, it is largely based on the underlying problem. Severe decay can often be treated with root canal therapy, gum disease can be addressed with scaling and root planing, but if these are ineffective or your dentist does not believe they will adequately work, the only possible solution is to remove the tooth.

What are my options for replacing my tooth?

There is good news when it comes to tooth replacements. Instead of only leaning on one possible solution – dentures, there are now several options, including dental bridges and dental implants. The type of restorative care you need will be based on how many teeth need to be removed as well as the status of your oral and overall health.

Dental bridges can easily replace a few consecutive missing teeth along an arch using your healthy abutment teeth as anchors. By fusing multiple dental crowns, we can effectively “bridge the gap” in your smile.

Dentures, whether full or partial, are crafted using an acrylic base and artificial teeth. If several teeth are missing, a partial can be created and held into place by metal clasps or clips. If all your teeth are missing along an arch, a full denture is made and rests on top of the gums. It is held in place with your natural suction and denture adhesive.

Dental implants are unlike the other two solutions. These titanium posts are surgically implanted into your jawbone and support a customized restoration. They offer greater stability and functionality and are known to last 30+ years with proper care.

How should I prepare for my tooth extraction?

The pre-surgery instructions you receive are just as important as those you should follow after your procedure. Before your tooth removal, you will need to make sure you ask any questions or address any concerns with your dentist in DuPont. It may be necessary that you only drink water the morning of your surgery. You may also be required to pick up any prescription medication, which you will want to do before you arrive for your appointment.

You will also likely be groggy after your procedure, so enlisting the help of a family member or friend to escort you to and from your appointment is a good idea.

Can I smoke after getting a tooth extracted?

You will be highly discouraged from smoking following a tooth extraction. All tobacco products (i.e., cigarettes, cigars, vape pens, etc.) can significantly delay the healing process. It is recommended that you avoid smoking for at least five days following your procedure, but it is best if you wait two full weeks.

Something else to consider is the benefits of trying to quit even before you undergo your tooth removal. Not only will it improve your overall health, but you will experience greater oral benefits once you’ve decided to kick the habit for good.

Does getting a tooth extraction hurt?

Just like root canals, tooth extractions in DuPont do not necessarily have a good reputation. However, that is mainly due to misconceptions and fear of the unknown. We promise that our team will take wonderful care of you, ensuring that you remain comfortable throughout your entire treatment. In fact, the very first step we take before we begin the procedure is to numb your mouth. Typically, the only discomfort that our patients experience is a little soreness afterward. However, it is nothing that cannot be taken care of with some over-the-counter pain medication.

What is it like recovering from a tooth extraction?

The average recovery from a basic tooth extraction typically lasts between seven and 10 days. However, that does not mean that you will need to take that much time off of work! In fact, most patients feel ready to go back to work and school within 48 to 72 hours, which is also when we recommend returning to your regular activities.

After your tooth extraction, you may feel some soreness and slight discomfort, but we typically recommend ibuprofen or a cold compress to help ease that. If you notice that your pain seems to be getting worse instead of better, we recommend contacting our office so we can make sure that the extraction site looks healthy and the blood clot is still present.

How long will I need to wait after a tooth extraction to get dentures?

Before your gums are ready to support your new dentures in DuPont, you will need to give them adequate time to heal after your tooth extraction, which typically takes between three and six months. In the meantime, our team can provide you with temporary healing dentures so you do not have to go without a full set of teeth until your permanent ones arrive.

What can I do to speed up the healing time after a tooth extraction?

The best way to heal from a tooth extraction without any complications is to follow our aftercare instructions. These include:

  • Avoid smoking.
  • Do not spit—instead, wipe your mouth with a tissue.
  • Do not drink out of a straw.
  • Refrain from using your fingers or tongue to touch your extraction site.
  • If you experience swelling, use a cold compress.
  • Gently rinse your mouth with saltwater multiple times throughout the day.
  • Continue brushing and flossing, being sure to be gentle around the extraction site.
  • Maintain a soft diet for the recommended time period following your procedure.
  • Take any prescribed medications as directed.

If at any point you have questions about the post-operative symptoms you are experiencing or you would like to speak with your dentist, do not hesitate to call our office.