Preventable Dental Diseases

August 1, 2014

Filed under: Dental Diseases — pts @ 6:26 pm

Periodontal Disease

Most of us are aware of the importance of good dental hygiene. Most know that the key to avoiding dental diseases is to brush at least twice daily and floss every day. If you are someone that has good oral habits it may be a surprise to you that a large percentage of Americans neglect their oral hygiene. Many people only brush their teeth once a day and floss only on occasion.  People are extremely busy in today’s society including work, running errands, or traveling a lot, which causes them to put their dental care on the back burner. If you fall into this category, don’t get down on yourself. Instead, it is important to understand why your dentist wants you to remember to brush and floss regularly. Dental disease associated with poor oral hygiene is on the rise, but it is also one of the most preventable diseases in the country. Here is an explanation of what can happen if you don’t keep up with your brushing and flossing and see your dentist regularly.

The Beginning of Dental Diseases 

Think of your mouth as a large habitat of bacteria. The bacteria are continually eating the leftovers in your mouth from the meals you eat on a daily basis. These bacteria have a strong defense against the elements of the mouth creating a gelatinous material substance which allows them to thrive.  In large amounts, we recognize this substance as plaque.  The bacteria then go on to manufacture a dissolving acid which breaks down food, as well as the enamel of the teeth which can lead to cavities.

We are all familiar with cavities, but what we are a little less familiar with is the disease that can develop below the gumline.  Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums due to bacteria build up.  If left untreated the inflammation can lead to Periodontal Disease which affects the bone around the teeth and gums.

Extreme Dental Diseases

Gingivitis can be extremely unpleasant and painful but is reversible.  Once Periodontal Disease has begun to develop it will create irreversible damage to the bone around the teeth. This can likely lead to eventual tooth loss. As the bacterium uses its manufactured acid to break down into the gum, it eventually gets below the gum line and continues to erode everything in its path including the tissue and bone surrounding your teeth. The gums and bone erode away from the teeth, leading to loose teeth and pocket formations between the tooth and gum. If not treated, these pockets then become infected and the tooth will need to be removed.

The good news is dental diseases are extremely preventable conditions as long as you brush and floss your teeth every day and see your dentist for regular cleanings and exams.  By doing so, you will greatly reduce your risk of Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease.

Visit our site now to find one of our offices nearest to you! Dental Diseases are 100% avoidable with healthy at-home maintenance and regular

1 Comment

  1. […] brushing the teeth twice a day, flossing the teeth once a day, and going to the dentist for dental exams twice a […]

    Pingback by Dental Exams: Why Twice a Year? | Devoted Family Dental — September 2, 2014 @ 8:27 pm

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