Keep a Healthy Mouth this Halloween and Holiday Season

October 10, 2014

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — John Ludu @ 4:11 pm


Halloween is the start of the sugary season! We know you are going to indulge, and by all means, you should! Just remember, moderation is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy smile. Below are our suggestions to take into consideration for both you and your kids this Halloween and through the New Year.

Moderation is Key. Like we stated before, moderation is key. It won’t be the end all be all if you eat a few pieces of candy or other sugary treats, just make sure you don’t overdo it! Set a specific “sweet time” for children to help them fight the urge to indulge in sweets throughout the day. Don’t forget to follow up your sweet time with proper brushing and flossing!   During the holiday season, cut back on drinks with added sugar as much as possible. This will help off-set the increased consumption of sugar.

Stay Away from Sticky Candy. Sugar already sticks to teeth so it is best to not make matters worse by eating gooey or sticky candy. Sticky candy such as taffys, gummy bears, and carmel take longer to be washed away by your saliva, resulting in an increased risk for tooth decay. These types of treats are also known to pull off sealants or dislodge an already loose crown or filling!

Avoid Hard Candy. The longer sugar is in your mouth, the bigger your chances of tooth decay. Sucking on hard candy involves a prolonged exposure of sugar which greatly increases your chance of developing cavities.  Chewing on or biting into a hard candy can lead to cracked or broken teeth.  If hard candy is your thing, opt for sugar free versions and be careful not to break a tooth!

Chocolate is Best. Solid chocolate may be your best option when it comes to eating sweets. Chocolate is very soluble and has an easy time washing away with your saliva.  Make sure you avoid chocolate treats with carmel or other added stickiness.

Gum Can Curb Cravings. Sugar is addictive, so it can be hard to resist this season. Choosing sugar free, ADA approved gum will not only help curb your craving for sugar but can also help reduce tooth decay. Gum increases saliva flow and helps loosen wedged food. For best results, chew sugar free gum for 20 minutes after a meal.

Eat Candy with meals. The best time to indulge in some sugary goodness is with meals or shortly after. During this period, saliva production is high, helping to minimize the acids produced by the bacteria in your mouth.

Drink More Water. Water can help wash away sugar that is clinging to your teeth, helping reduce the chances of developing cavities. Encourage your kids to drink a large glass of water after consuming candy or sweets to rinse their teeth as much as possible if a toothbrush is not available.

Brush and Floss. While brushing and flossing are important every day of the year, it is especially important during the holiday season. Make sure you and your children are brushing and flossing at least twice a day or no more than 30 minutes after a sugary binge.

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