Natural Teeth Restoration

November 15, 2014

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — John Ludu @ 1:09 am

Teeth Restoration

We all know the importance of taking preventative measures to make sure we don’t cause damage to our teeth. These include small things like avoiding excessively acidic, sticky or gummy foods. The decline of oral health can come from tooth enamel demineralization. Have you ever noticed small, frosty-looking white spots on the surface of some teeth? That is a representation of enamel demineralization, often caused by excessive exposure to acid.

On the other end of the spectrum is the idea of teeth restoration. Just like we avoid things that cause harm, are there ways to restore health to our pearly whites if some damage has already been done?

The short answer is yes, teeth restoration is possible! With small lifestyle changes, you can improve your oral health and see tooth enamel restoration from minor erosion. Here are some easy things you can start doing today to see improvement:

1) Start By Being Mindful Of What You Are Drinking

Your oral health is hugely dependent on the fluids in your mouth. Acidic beverages, such as soft drinks, fruit drinks, coffee and tea, can erode teeth over time. To start seeing natural teeth restoration occur,  rinse your mouth out immediately after exposing your teeth to sweets and acidic drinks.

2) Remineralize Teeth Through Your Diet

When teeth are demineralized, their pores are larger and more susceptible to damage. Foods and beverages that are high in beneficial minerals will insure your tooth pores are minimized. When mineral-rich foods are introduced to your diet, your saliva, too, will be mineral-rich and facilitate tooth enamel restoration.

3) Use Remineralizing Gel and Fluoride Toothpaste

It is incredibly important to be mindful of dietary changes that encourage teeth restoration, but aiding in the process with remineralizing gel can also become a part of your daily oral health routine. You should consult your dentist before starting a new tooth regimen, but using fluoride toothpaste can make your teeth more resistant to acid and aid restoration of teeth.

The best tip will always be to prevent the damage before it is done, but we all know that life can make perfect habits difficult. Teeth restoration can be a tedious process, but making sure you are being mindful of your oral health is key to your overall well-being and adjusting small day to day habits can have huge long-term benefits. As always, make sure you schedule regular check-ups with your dentist. Furthermore, ask any questions you have when consulting with your dentist before making any major changes to your dental routine!

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