Your Dentist in DuPont Offers Advice on Oral Care with Cold and Flu

February 18, 2018

Filed under: Family Dentistry — Tags: — tntadmin @ 6:58 pm

Gezundheit! If you have a cold or the flu, then you know you need plenty of rest and fluids to heal your body. But did you also know that you should take good care of your mouth too? Read on to find out what your dentist in DuPont recommends and feel better!

Stick to Your Regular Oral Hygiene Routine

When you are sick, it is important to still brush and floss your teeth. Not only will this practice help wash away excess bacteria, but also that fresh taste of mint might just make you feel a little better and could relieve some of your congestion.

Should You Change Out Your Toothbrush After Illness?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you really do not need to change out your toothbrush after you’ve been sick. However, if you are not sure when the last time was that you had a new brush, then this may be an opportunity to replace it. It goes without saying, but never share your toothbrush or rinse cup with anyone else whether you are sick or healthy!

I Just Vomited, Now What?

Although brushing your teeth after vomiting seems logical and tempting, you really should wait about 30 minutes. When you vomit, strong stomach acids come in contact with your teeth. Immediately brushing spreads these acids all over the enamel surface of your teeth. Instead, rinse and spit with plain water or a mild mixture of water and one teaspoon of baking soda.

Choose Sugar-Free Cough Drops

Cough drops are made more palatable with sugar. Many of these soothing analgesics are loaded with fructose or corn syrup. Be sure to read the label and select cough drops that are sugar-free. Otherwise, you may be getting cough relief at the expense of your teeth.

Increase Fluid Intake

When you have an illness with a fever, your body needs extra fluids to stay hydrated. In addition, those added fluids could help to moisten your mouth. A dry mouth is an added discomfort when you are ill and can also increase your risk of developing cavities. Try sucking on a sugar-free cough drop or candy to promote saliva production too.

Also, remember that water is the best fluid for your body and your mouth. You may want to have a sports drink for the added electrolytes, but do so in moderation because these are often filled with sugar too. If hot drinks are your cup of tea when you are sick, then try them without lemon or sugar.


Meet the Doctor

At Dupont Family Dentistry, we are dedicated to providing all of the services our patients need to have a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile at every age. If you need to schedule a checkup or any other kind of treatment, make an appointment today with your family dentist in DuPont.


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