What is Worse Than a Toothache in DuPont? A Toothache on a Plane!

January 14, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — tntadmin @ 3:26 am
man with tooth ache

Your bags are checked, you made it through security, and now you are settled in an aisle seat relaxing and just waiting for take-off. Your mind drifts to a white sand beach as the plane ascends, but then a stabbing pain in your tooth interrupts your happy thought. What in the world could be causing that? As if a toothache in DuPont were not bad enough, you have one on a plane. Read on to learn why this happens and what can be done to prevent the occurrence. 

Cabin Pressure and Your Teeth

If you guessed that cabin pressure must have something to do with a toothache while flying, then you are correct. When you are on a plane, the air pressure in your ears and sinuses must equate to the cabin pressure, which changes most during take-off and landing. That is why you often see people trying to pop their ears by chewing gum or yawning; they are trying to equalize the pressure.

The same event can happen inside a tooth if air happens to be trapped inside. The problem is that air in your tooth may not be able to escape, leading to some pretty serious pain. 

How Can Air Be Trapped in a Tooth?

There are two ways for air to become trapped in your tooth. The first is decay, which eats away at a tooth and often leads to a cavity. The decay process can bring air into a tooth. When you are on a flight, the trapped air cannot equate to cabin pressure and you end up with a toothache. 

The second reason for a toothache during flying is when air is trapped in a filling or other dental work. In particular, older fillings can develop very small gaps or holes, leading to trapped air. 

How Can You Prevent a Toothache During a Flight?

Unfortunately, once you are on the plane, there really is not much you can do to alleviate the pain. Chewing gum and swallowing will not equalize the pressure, and an over-the-counter painkiller may not be effective. 

Therefore, the best action you can take to avoid a painful toothache on a trip is see your dentist in DuPont regularly for checkups. These should be scheduled every six months so the dentist and their staff can monitor the condition of each tooth. 

Of course, if the tooth is bothering you even before your trip is planned, then you should definitely see the dentist as soon as possible. A cavity in the making can be remedied with a dental filling in DuPont. 

Don’t let a toothache ruin your vacation plans. See the dentist nowand have a good trip!

About Our Office 

At Dupont Family Dentistry, we are dedicated to providing all of the services our patients need to have a healthy mouth. Do not ignore a bothersome tooth, especially if you are about to travel. Make an appointment today to see your dentist in DuPont.

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